Frequently Asked Question

How do I change the sound output from my computer?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Depending on what devices you have connected to your computer, you may have multiple options for what device the sound output of your computer goes to. You can easily change this.

Step 1: Click on the sound icon in the system tray down by the clock it looks like a speaker.


Step 2: This will bring up a menu click on the little carrot to change the sound output device.


Step 3: Choose the sound device you would like the sound to go to.


Generally, your internal speakers on your computer will be labeled as speakers, if there are more than one try them and see what happens.

SMARTboards are seen as USB Sound Device.

On Student Laptops, if they want to use headphones, it's labeled as Headphones (Realtek...)

Note - If you are playing sound from a web browser, sometimes you need to close it and open it again before it will pickup on the sound output change.

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